Minsuk Chang


Hi! I am Minsuk (or Min) :wave:, an incoming Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

My research interests are in Human-Computer Interaction and Visualization, focusing on how humans perceive and interact with visualizations. By exploring this interdisciplinary field, I aim to combine social sciences with computing to enhance our understanding of human behavior. My goal is to develop a thorough insight into human vision and contribute to designing effective visualizations for the public.

I received my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Seoul National University, where I interned at the SNU HCIL under Professor Jinwook Seo.


Aug 18, 2024 Started my CS Ph.D. program in Fall 2024 at Georgia Tech, advised by Dr. Cindy Xiong Bearfield.
Jan 27, 2024 Homepage renewal! :smile:

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